The Beauty of Wine


**The translation is at the end of the article**

Primul contact cu industria vinului a fost in urma cu 16 ani. Veneam dintr-un domeniu total diferit si mult mai tehnic (industria hartiei), insa anii de experienta in managementul organizatiei, si specializarea in domeniul economiei si in cel al ingineriei, m-au ajutat sa ma adaptez rapid la specificul pietei vinurilor. Vinul – ca produs in sine, este extrem de ofertant si inspirational cand vorbim de promovare, vanzare si business in general, iar asta mi-a creat “dependenta” fata de acest domeniu. 

De 12 ani conduc echipa Budureasca – una din cele mai mai mari si mai moderne crame din Romania, localizata in Dealu Mare, cu o productie de 2.2 mil litri pe an si o suprafata de vita de vie de 280 hectare. Am inceput cu elaborarea strategiei de business si dezvoltarea arhitecturii portofoliului de produse, am continuat cu construirea echipei de marketing si vanzari, apoi cu crearea retelei de desfacere si dezvoltarea canalelor de vanzare, pana la implementarea celor mai recente proiecte de eficientizare si optimizare a activitatii si a rezultatelor. Am fost creditata cu foarte multa incredere si mi s-au pus la dispozitie toate resursele necesare, ceea ce a generat o presiune foarte mare si a facut ca asteptarile sa fie foarte ridicate. 


Nu cred in retele studiate si urmarite programatic. Este vorba de modul de a fi, de a gandi, de a te raporta la oamenii din jur si la tine insati. Eu personal imi setez obiective, sunt foarte riguroasa si uneori chiar “aspra” cu mine insami, renunt la confortul meu personal pentru rezolvarea unor cauze externe si pentru binele comun, nu abandonez niciodata un demers cand consider ca exista o minima sansa de a reusi, pun foarte mare pret pe disciplina si respectarea regulilor atat de catre mine cat si de catre cei cu care lucrez. 

Consider ca intr-o industrie majoritar masculina, asa cum este industria vinului, o femeie pe o pozitie de management are un parcurs mai dificil, dar in acelasi timp are avantajul unei vizibilitati mai bune care, daca este dublata de profesionalism si perseverenta, poate contribui la reteta succesului.  

Este vorba despre modul de a lucra, zi de zi. Perseverenta, ambitie, atentie la detalii, disponibilitate de a comunica permanent cu oamenii din echipa, indisponibilitatea de a face rabat la calitate, coerenta in politica comerciala si in relatia de afaceri cu partenerii, uneori poate chiar inflexibilitate, dar care pe termen lung s-a constituit intr-un motiv solid de incredere din partea partenerilorde afaceri. As adauga creativitatea, deschiderea spre nou, adaptarea la trendurile pietei, abordarea cu curaj a provocarilor si asumarea misiunilor dificile in situatii in care multi poate se retrag, modul de lucru pragmatic si bazat tot timpul pe proiectii si bugete.

Sunt o persoana dinamica, eficienta si orientata, imi plac rigoarea si disciplina, motiv pentru care uneori sunt mai putin flexibila. 


Fără oameni simpli nu există oameni mari.


The first contact with the wine industry was 16 years ago. I came from a totally different and much more technical field (the paper industry), but the years of experience in organization management, and the specialization in economics and engineering, helped me to quickly adapt to the specifics of the wine market. Wine – as a product in itself, is extremely attractive and inspirational when we talk about promotion, sales and business in general, and this created my “addiction” to this field.

For 12 years I have been leading the Budureasca team – one of the largest and most modern wineries in Romania, located in Dealu Mare, with a production of 2.2 million liters per year and a vineyard area of ​​280 hectares. We started with the elaboration of the business strategy and the development of the architecture of the product portfolio, we continued with the building of the marketing and sales team, then with the creation of the sales network and the development of the sales channels, until the implementation of the latest projects for efficiency and optimization of the activity and of the results. I was credited with a lot of trust and all the necessary resources were made available to me, which generated a lot of pressure and made the expectations very high.


I don’t believe in the networks studied and followed programmatically. It is about the way of being, of thinking, of relating to the people around you and to yourself. I personally set my goals, I am very rigorous and sometimes even “harsh” with myself, I give up my personal comfort to solve external causes and for the common good, I never abandon an approach when I think there is a minimal chance of success, I place a high value on discipline and compliance with the rules, both by myself and by those I work with.

I believe that in a predominantly male industry, such as the wine industry, a woman in a management position has a more difficult path, but at the same time has the advantage of better visibility which, if doubled by professionalism and perseverance, can contribute to the recipe for success.

It’s about how to work, day in and day out. Perseverance, ambition, attention to details, availability to communicate permanently with the people in the team, the unavailability to discount quality, coherence in the commercial policy and in the business relationship with the partners, sometimes maybe even inflexibility, but which in the long term was constituted in a solid reason of trust from the business partners. I would add creativity, openness to new things, adapting to market trends, courageously approaching challenges and taking on difficult missions in situations where many may withdraw, pragmatic way of working and always based on projections and budgets.

I am a dynamic, efficient and oriented person, I like rigor and discipline, which is why I am sometimes less flexible.


Without simple people there are no great people.


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