The Beauty of Wine

Testimonials – Concours Mondial de Bruxelles

**The translation is at the end of the article**

“I have worked with this international competition in Plovdiv, Valladolid, Beijing, Aigle, and now I am honored to judge the 31th edition of the CMB, be a part of its historical arrival into North America, and eager to learn more about this Mexican wine region,”

Aimée Lasseigne New, a Manhattan-based wine spokesperson and new member of Les Dames d’Escoffier.

Tras un lustro participando como catador, el CMB es para mí uno de los concursos internacionales más importantes. Su naturaleza itinerante por múltiples países del mundo hace que los mejores catadores quieran participar en él y son vanguardia en casi todos los aspectos, tanto tecnológicos como de comunicación, por lo que cada edición es un aprendizaje continuo.

Sommelier Alejandro Paadín, España.

Comecei a provar no CMB em Lisboa 2006. Estou muito feliz e grato pela oportunidade de continuar a participar no mais importante concurso internacional de vinhos, integrando uma comunidade única de especialistas: compradores, sommeliers, enólogos, jornalistas e produtores. Ganhei o meu badge de ouro há muito tempo, mas mantenho a motivação como se fosse a primeira vez.  

Anibal Coutinho, Portugal.

L’inizio del 2024 è arrivato con una straordinaria notizia: CMB che si svolgerà in Messico! Un’esperienza di grande impatto emotivo e lavorativo. Incontrerò e mi confronterò con giudici mondiali e oltre a degustare vini che arriveranno da tutto il mondo avrò un compito di grande responsabilità: la loro valutazione.

Antonella Cantarutti, Italia.

Places like Mexico after destinations like China, Croatia, Czech Republic and Slovakia make CMB exciting for the judges and challenging for CMB, who handle the contest with aplomb, as well as helping to improve local wine culture and service. By using tabs, the possibility of errors is minimized. The unique concept of tasting and grading a wine daily keeps the judges on their toes with high judging standards.

Cavaliere Subhash Arora, India.

Participer au Concours Mondial de Bruxelles est pour moi une fabuleuse expérience. Il est très enrichissant de goûter des vins du monde entier, sans connaître, a priori, leur origine et de partager son avis avec les dégustateurs de la table. Il est aussi très gratifiant de rencontrer des professionnels de la filière, producteurs, acheteurs, journalistes et influenceurs venus de pays très différents. Enfin, le concours permet aussi de découvrir des vignobles que nous ne connaissons pas ou peu.

Longue vie au Concours Mondial de Bruxelles et félicitations aux vins médaillés!

Christophe Chateau, France.

“Dal 2010 sono giudice del CMB, edizione che si è svolta a Palermo e che è rimasta nel cuore di tanti. Ogni anno rimango colpito dalla varietà di vini che valutiamo e dall’amicizia con degustatori da tutto il mondo. Penso che la scena messicana affermerà quanto sia imponente il CMB e come possa stabilire importanti relazioni intercontinentali. Questo viaggio a Guanajuato sarà unico!”

Claudia Marinelli, Italia.

Having judged at CMB since 2017, I am of the opinion that this competition is the pinnacle of international wine competitions. The professionalism and integrity of the organizers and their judges stands out. It is marvelous to see how this competition is growing with new editions created for alternative categories. I am proud to be associated with the CMB.

Maryna Calow, South Africa.

Бути суддею CMB – визначна винна подія із світовим розмаїттям вин і організацією високого рівня. Це значний досвід та можливість обговорити тренди із професіоналами індустрії.

Olga Pinevich-Todoriuk, Україна.

Toate experiențele mele ca parte a juriului de la CMB reprezintă o imersiune totală în lumea vinului: de fiecare dată întâlnesc experți și descopăr vinuri din întreaga lume, într-o nouă zonă viticolă care ne încântă prin originalitatea experienței și vinurile pe care le descoperim. Prin acest concept de concurs, medaliile CMB oferă o apreciere internațională a vinurilor pe care producătorii se pot baza cu încredere în promovarea și vânzarea propriilor vinuri.

Otilia Chirita, România.

Testimonials – Concours Mondial de Bruxelles

“I have worked with this international competition in Plovdiv, Valladolid, Beijing, Aigle, and now I am honored to judge the 31th edition of the CMB, be a part of its historical arrival into North America, and eager to learn more about this Mexican wine region,” shared Aimée Lasseigne New, a Manhattan-based wine spokesperson and new member of Les Dames d’Escoffier.

After five years participating as a taster, the CMB is for me one of the most important international competitions. Its itinerant nature across multiple countries of the world makes the best tasters want to participate in it, and they are at the forefront in almost all aspects, both technological and communicative, so each edition is a continuous learning experience.

Sommelier Alejandro Paadín, Spain.

“I started tasting at the CMB in Lisbon 2006. I am very happy and grateful for the opportunity to continue participating in the most important international wine competition, integrating a unique community of experts: buyers, sommeliers, winemakers, journalists, and producers. I earned my gold badge a long time ago, but I maintain the motivation as if it were the first time.”

Anibal Coutinho, Portugal.

“The beginning of 2024 has arrived with extraordinary news: CMB will take place in Mexico! An experience of great emotional and professional impact. I will meet and interact with judges from around the world, and in addition to tasting wines from all over the world, I will have a task of great responsibility: their evaluation.”

Antonella Cantarutti, Italy.

Places like Mexico after destinations like China, Croatia, Czech Republic and Slovakia make CMB exciting for the judges and challenging for CMB, who handle the contest with aplomb, as well as helping to improve local wine culture and service. By using tabs, the possibility of errors is minimized. The unique concept of tasting and grading a wine daily keeps the judges on their toes with high judging standards.

Cavaliere Subhash Arora, India.

“Participating in the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles is a fabulous experience for me. It is very enriching to taste wines from around the world, without knowing their origin beforehand, and to share one’s opinion with the tasters at the table. It is also very rewarding to meet professionals from the industry, producers, buyers, journalists, and influencers from very different countries. Finally, the competition also allows us to discover vineyards that we do not know much about.

Long live the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles and congratulations to the medal-winning wines!”

Christophe Chateau, France.

“Since 2010, I have been a judge at the CMB, an edition that took place in Palermo and remained in the hearts of many. Every year, I am struck by the variety of wines we evaluate and by the friendships formed with tasters from around the world. I believe the Mexican scene will affirm how impressive the CMB is and how it can establish important intercontinental relationships. This journey to Guanajuato will be unique!”

Claudia Marinelli, Italy.

Having judged at CMB since 2017, I am of the opinion that this competition is the pinnacle of international wine competitions. The professionalism and integrity of the organizers and their judges stands out. It is marvelous to see how this competition is growing with new editions created for alternative categories. I am proud to be associated with the CMB.

Maryna Calow, South Africa.

CMB is a remarkable wine event, showcasing global wine diversity and excellence of organization. An enriching experience! One of the most rewarding aspects: the opportunity to engage with industry professionals and exchange insights on the wine business.

Olga Pinevich-Todoriuk, Ukraine.

“All my experiences as part of the CMB jury represent a total immersion in the world of wine: every time I meet experts and discover wines from all over the world, in a new wine region that delights us with the originality of the experience and the wines we discover. Through this competition concept, the CMB medals provide an international appreciation of wines that producers can confidently rely on to promote and sell their own wines.”

Otilia Chirita, Romania.


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