Will Conçeião
Will Conceição was born in a slum of Osasco – the state of São Paulo in Brazil. Son of formally uneducated parents, he has risen to the top of the world in life by believing that it doesn’t matter where you came from—what matters is where you are heading; whatever your circumstances are, they don’t matter as long as you are willing to do something positive about them. He believes that with a burning desire and a great passion, you can go through any hurdle presented to you by life on the path of fulfilling your dreams. Will inspires himself on a phrase he heard once in a speech Les Brown delivered; “Always strive to get to the top in life because it’s the bottom that’s overcrowded.” However, Will says it in a slightly different way, he says, “See you at the top because at the bottom is overcrowded.”
Since Will’s parents were extremely poor, when little Will was raised on overripe fruits picked up off the ground at the open markets in Brazil. In order to help his family and improve his living conditions, at the age of 10, he became a cardboard picker, sold candies on the train in Sao Paulo, worked as a street vendor, helped the ladies with their grocery bags at the open markets, washed cars, you name it. Will did everything he could to raise money and to help and support his family, as long as it was through an honest way, he didn’t measure efforts, he always worked hard.
At the age of twenty, Will decided to study English on his own. He didn’t learn much from the public school in the favela area where he grew up. He persevered in studying on his own, and as his English improved, the Seventh Day Adventist Church formally invited him to go to the USA as a missionary. After serving the organization for a few years, Will decided to continue his education in the USA. He finished his bachelor’s degree in Organizational Management at Oakwood University located in “the rocket city” Huntsville-Alabama. Will also graduated with an MBA-Master’s in Business Administration from SNHU – Southern New Hampshire University. He is on his pathway to his Doctoral degree with The University of Miami as a Doctor of Education in Applied Learning Sciences. Will is a force of nature he is a writer, a mentor and a professional speaker in the USA and Brazil for different organizations. He is a businessman, an investor, founder & CEO of THE WILL - “The Why I Love Learning” mentoring program. Will’s other books are such, “You Are the Success You Are Looking For”, Richness and Honor from the Bible”. The book, “The Skills of the Champion” has inspired a series that will eventually go on platforms such as Paramount+ and Netflix. Will has been featured on the news with some of the most famous soccer players of all times, as well as been to over 20 countries doing what he loves.
Will’s passion is to help others overcome significant obstacles in life; he wants to inspire them to reach for the better life. The reason why he has studied the lives of many successful men and women, from multimillionaires and billionaires to the simplest men and women. Today he uses what he has learned from them to improve his life and the life of those around him
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