Daniela Mastroberardino
Born in 1968, she began her career in 1992 at Mastroberardino. In 1994, when the destinies of the Mastroberardino family took different paths, she participated with her father Walter and her brothers Paolo and Lucio in the transformation and development of the family's agricultural estate, Terredora Di Paolo, which now occupies 180 hectares of vineyards where some of the labels that contribute to spreading Irpinia and Campania all over the world are born. Daniela is now CEO and export manager of Terredora. She has been a member of Le Donne del Vino since the late 1990s, when the Campania delegation consisted of just four producers. Having been a national councillor several times under chairwomen Berlucchi, Martusciello and Cinelli Colombini, she has been deputy chairwoman since 2016. She has also held positions in other trade associations. She was chairwoman of the Campania Wine Tourism Movement before becoming national chairwoman of the Wine Tourism Movement, a role she held from 2012 to 2015. In 2016, she was awarded the Standout Woman Award and the Out of Home Excellence Award by Fipe - Federazione Italiana Pubblici Esercizi.
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